Content Marketing: How Should You Raise Your Interest Rates?

Content Marketing: How Should You Raise Your Interest Rates?

Success in online marketing requires a rising interest rate. To clarify, this is a different kind of interest from that of the banks and other lenders.  This rate is how much interest from people online that an individual business or brand generates.

“While there is a whole industry built around SEO and Google’s ever-changing alogrithms, there is much more to successful digital marketing than achieving a high ranking on search engines,” explains David Lomas, CEO of M3 Media Publishing.

“To stimulate a business or boost a brand online requires great content,” David states.


Raising Expectations

In numbers:

  • There are over 3.7 billion internet users worldwide and in 2017
  • The internet influenced sales to an approximate value of 21 trillion dollars.
  • Every day over two million blog are posted online and there are over 5.5 million Google searches

So, on the one hand, there is enormous potential for online marketing; but on the other, the competition is fierce, and immense.


“Vying for attention online is not straightforward, because while you might be able to optimise your SEO to attract the attention of more visitors, you have then got to maintain their interest”

David Lomas, M3 Media Publishing


In other words, getting noticed and being found on Google is only part of the story.  What will users find when they click through to your content or website?


Improving Your Bounce Rate

When it comes to your online presence there is a crucial factor: your bounce rate.  Your bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who land on your website but leave without looking at any other pages.

“If you want web page visitors to stick around, your content must be good quality, of value to them, and retain their interest,” explains David.

“However, a joined-up approach to content marketing must look at both ends of the equation: attracting and retaining your audience,” David continues.


Using Third-Party Content

Content can be used to both attract and retain your audience’s interest.  And you do not need to use your own website to do it.


“You can use online marketing to tell compelling stories on a third-party site, so you shift the burden of attraction, adding an extra layer of credibility to your brand because you are not speaking for yourself but letting others do it for you”

David Lomas, M3 Media Publishing


Furthermore, if the third-party site has a credibility of its own, then it helps to boost your own standing by being featured on it.

“The importance is in content marketing strategy, so that it prompts users to find out more about you by building your profile as an expert in your field,” says David.

“Think of this third-party approach as a means of pre-qualifying visitors to your own site,” David concludes.  “It allows them to build a picture of you before they click through, which helps cement your engagement with them.”

If content and website visitors are much more likely to stick around and find out more if they find something of value, what are you doing to raise your interest rate?


M3 Media Publishing have a portfolio of online, sector-specific magazines that publish content that generates interest and fuels opportunities.  To discover how you can feature as an expert in those magazines, please contact M3 Media Publishing.


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